Your Abode booking engine can be added to your website using a simple link. From there, you can choose to add further 'rules' to your URL to make your booking engine open in specific ways.

To make sure your booking engine opens to today every time, it needs to be 'clean' from rules/parameters.

For example, this is what a booking engine URL looks like before any rules (parameters) have been added.

It is hosted with smartbooking (Abode) and the hostel (system name) is demojemma. It will default open the booking engine to today's date and one night every time.

If you add a rule/parameter to your booking engine URL link, it will always open as per the rule. 

For example, if you add &from=2024-08-01 and &nights=3, the booking engine will always open on 1 August 2024 for 3 nights.

Sometimes you may want to use the feature if you are running a special promotion for a limited time, and want to use a special link in your adverts.

Otherwise - check with your web developer (or whoever added your booking engine to your website) that your booking engine link is 'clean'!

You can learn more about using URL parameters here - Using URL parameters for the website booking engine