Can I mark my room as dirty or clean? Yes a new feature has recently been added to assist housekeepers with their cleaning.
1. From the calendar navigate to room type column.
2. Using your mouse or keypad hover the curser over the room type you wish to mark as dirty. Right click on your mouse / keypad and a mark as dirty option will appear - select this option and your room type will be turn red
3. The room type now displays a light red colour - to mark the room as clean repeat step 2, right click mouse / keypad.
4. Once the FOH (front of house staff member / receptionist) checks out a guest they can mark the room as dirty. This status then shows up on the housekeeping report. Reports>housekeeping
5. The housekeeping report now shows the guest has departed and the room is marked dirty - housekeepers can mark the room as clean from this screen with their login details.
To mark the room clean select the dirty status and the mark as clean option will appear. This status update will also transfer to the calendar.