Create an account with Xero or log in to your Xero account

If you don't already have a Xero account, go to and sign up. Your first 30 days are for free so you can test Xero for a while before you commit to one of their plans.

Once signed up, log in to your Xero account.

Connect Xero and Abode

Sign in to your Abode account and go to your settings at the top right of your browser window:

1. Then, in the drop-down click on Account:

2. Select Connect to view all Apps

3. Scroll until you find Xero Cloud accounting on the table and select the 'connect to Xero' button

4. If you are currently not logged in to your Xero account, Xero will ask you to login in with your credentials you chose in the sign up process before.

Next, allow Abode to access your Xero account:

If successful, the system redirects you to your Abode account showing the following screen:

Congratulations, Abode and Xero are now connected.

Learn about the Xero Options tab or how to map information between Abode and Xero.