There are two ways to add sales items to your system. Items can be added to a booking (on account) from the guest's booking screen, or they can be added to the system directly using the Sales menu item. Find out how to use this feature here - How do I add point of sales (POS) items in Abode?

Follow the instructions below to set up your sales items in the system.

  1. First, add your sale item categories in Settings > Sales  > Categories.

  2. Enter the Value and Description and select (Add Category).

  3. To add your items and prices select Products.

  4. Select the category from the drop-down menu. Enter the Product (item) name, total Number that can be purchased in one transaction, the Tax applied, and the Cost (Price)Select (Add Sale Item).

  5. Continue adding categories and items as needed. They will now become available as options when adding sale items to bookings and to the main Sales menu. To edit existing items select the blue Edit icon. To delete select the blue Delete icon.