Note: This article applies to Abode users with a SiteMinder Channel Manager integration.

If you have created a new room/price type in Abode, you will need to map it to SiteMinder to link to your OTAs (online channels).

  1. Create the new room/price type in Abode.

    How do I create a new price type?

  2. Create the new room/price type in SiteMinder.

    (Please consult SiteMinder's support articles for help with this.)

  3. In SiteMinder, select Abode Booking > Rate Plans. Ensure the Show rooms/rates not mapped to Abode Booking box is ticked.

  4. Find your new room type in the list and select Map to Abode Booking.

  5. Enter the name of your new type into both fields, using capital letters, with no punctuation or spaces at the beginning or end. It is important to remember exactly what you have entered here.

  6. Save your changes and check it has been updated in your SiteMinder list.

  7. Open your AbodeBooking system and select Settings > SiteMinder > Mappings.

  8. Select your new Price from the drop down list and enter exactly the SiteMinder Inventory code that you had just entered (using capital letters, with no punctuation or spaces at the beginning or end.

    Select the Add Mapping button.

  9. In the SiteMinder tab, check the Send full refresh? box and select Save Changes.

  10. Wait for 10 minutes, and then check the updates have gone through by checking your availability in SiteMinder. If you have any concerns or problems contact [email protected] immediately for assistance.